Friday, May 9, 2014

NFL Draft & Doctors Appointments

Yes, yesterday was Draft Day, and Dr Appointment Day, both important days to our family for various reasons. :-)

This last Sunday at Church, Pastor started preaching a new series on Family.  Ahh, the ups, downs, joys, sorrows and trails of family, and this particular week was about how to make our families stronger.  The six ways that Pastor presented for strengthening our families were, Commitment, Time Together, Appreciation, Communication, Coping Skills, and Spiritual Health.  As hubby and I sat in service Sunday, listening to Pastor, we were both randomly looking at each other, knowing what the other was thinking, and knowing how each of those things applied to our family, and how we've been working on improving in those areas.  It was awesome.  I know, that had nothing to do with Draft Day or Dr Appointments, BUT it did. and you'll understand as I keep rambling ;-)

So Draft Day, yup, I"m going to tell you all about that first, not because it's more important, but because I think I"m about to say something that someone else needs to read, and I don't want you to miss it, while you read on just trying to get to the part of the blog where I start talking about Super Tonka appointments!  I don't know how many of you are "football wives/widows" but trust me, it really is a thing.  Until hubby and I got together, I loved football.  The game of football, I didn't really care which team was playing, and you can ask the man, I still stay pretty clueless on the divisions and how all that works, but when it comes to what happens on the field, I've got a pretty good handle on it.  I even have a pretty decent three point stance :-)!  But Draft Day.  Waiting for pick 16, waiting to see what direction Jerry Jones was going to steer our Cowboys in, 150 minutes into the Draft, 160 if all the teams take their entire time... it was a really long wait!  But we spent the time together as a family.  Oh yes, all of us, eating junk food (Seriously, we had wings, tacquitos, potato skin, pizza rolls, and garlic bread leftover from our favorite restaurant), all gathered in the living room, watching, waiting, talking through the players, the teams, the choices, wondering what impact these young men would have on the teams that drafted them.  We talked through the draft choices, their strengths, what they would bring to their new teams.  And then I was wondering, what if we could draft our families?!  Isn't that what we do when we choose our mate?  We decide how they will fit with our ideal of a family, will they work in the "system" that we have instituted, are they worth changing the "system"?  What about drafting our children?!  Would we make the decision for the child that will be a blessing because of their own personal quirks, or would we all choose the child that was the EASY pick for our family?  Who would chose the kids that don't seem to be easy on anyone?  Wow, I'm really glad that that decision is left to God of which kid we get!!  And as for the Cowboys draft choice of Zach Martin, an offensive lineman... well, without the right men in the trenches, the "superstars" of the team can never get off the big plays.  I, well WE, are of the mindset that the line is the most important positions on the field, because without them, no plays, no matter how brilliant, will ever work.

And Dr Appointment day.  I think we've "drafted" the best team of doctors possible, both for my care and for Super Tonka's care.  (You liked that didn't you!)  Doctor appointment day is quickly becoming one of my favorite days, hubby and I gt to spend time together, talking without being interrupted, and at times just alone with our own thoughts, but together, which all of you parents know, is nearly impossible to find that time together.  Our doctors all seem very encouraging, yet very on top of the possibilities for not encouraging information to appear.  We are seeing doctors and specialists within the same hospital system so thankfully, all of our care can be coordinated rather easily!  Most of the information is quickly and easily transferred thanks to modern technology.  But the part you really want to know... the OB said things look great and his heart beat is strong!  They are listening to what the Perinatologist and the Neurosurgeon suggest for delivery and do know th
at I will not be allowed to go into labor on my own... since we live two hours away from the hospital where I will deliver.  That could get ugly...   We dropped off our copy of baby John's MRI to the neurosurgeon's office, along with a copy of his discharge papers from Florida Hospital.  (The records people weren't moving fast enough for our liking in getting the records moved to where they needed to be ;-).) Then, there was the appointment with lunch, AKA dessert for lunch.  Orlando Ale House, right next to Full Sail University, just go and eat either the Captain Jack's dessert OR the Captain's Nutty Brother.  Just trust me on this one. Then, we were off to the perinatologist appointment for a high level ultrasound and more brain measurements!  How exciting, I love seeing Super Tonka.  It amazes me that we can see and watch so closely exactly how God is forming him, exactly how He wants him to be.  \But what you really wanted to know... In the month between measurements, Alexander's left verntricle has grown from 13mm to 18mm, and his right ventricle has grown from 24mm to 39mm.  The promising part in this growth is that his head has continued to expand, allowing room for probably brain development despite the extra fluid, he head is currently measuring at 33weeks, though he is only at 25w 5d gestational age.  At this point the notes from the perinatologist say that the most likely mode of delivery will be by c-section, and that if the hydrocephaly continues at this rate, we may schedule c-section for 36-37 weeks depending on the neurosurgeon's recommendations.

So, please keep praying.  Our next round of appointments are on May 27th, we see the perinatologist in the morning, the neurosurgeon right after that, and then the OB in the afternoon.  And from there, we'll know more... at that point we will be 31 1/2 weeks pregnant, and likely only a month from meeting our baby boy! Yikes! How exciting!!

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