Thursday, May 22, 2014


Life is full of choices... and this week, I've been reminded of just how many we have to make.
The kids have stayed up late every night for the past two weeks, why you ask?  Because Hubby and I made the choice to let them.  Why did we make that choice?  because we stumbled across the series The Bible on Netflix and we started watching it.  Ever since the first episode, they've begged to watch the next episode each night!  So, we made a choice, and let them watch it, all of it, yes, even the crucifixion scene.

Daily we are called on to make choices, as people, as parents, and as Christians.  All those titles come into play with every choice that we make.  The choice I had to make for today weighed heavily on me for a day or two until we got to church last night.  It's amazing to me how a Bible lesson meant for teenagers can have such an impact on my life as well.  For me, my difficult choice this week, was this... to attend the Spring football game with my family OR go to Praise Team Rehearsal.  I know, it sounds simple, but it wasn't.  You see, I've made a commitment to my family, and we participate together in 95% of what we do.  I say 95% because well, there are some things that we don't do together... work, praise team rehearsal, mens activities at church, "gender specific" chores. ((Yes, I know that's a totally different blog post, but yes, there are gender specific chores in our house... like the boys take the trash out, mommy and the girls fold laundry and wash dishes, daddy cares for the lawn.... it's how we live, just deal with it ;-))  So. That 5% makes up very little of our lives.

Last football season, even hubby coaching for the high school football team was a family commitment, have you seen how much laundry a football team can create? or how a bunch of football minded coaches take care in organizing an equipment room? or seen a large group of men try to figure out what size game pants need to be passed out every week?  Yup, in steps the mommas who can organize, and for us, that meant many hours of me and the little girls washing, drying and organizing, and then taking the whole family to pass out jerseys and game pants and make sure that everyone was properly suited up for the games.

So, how does one make a decision between cheering on her favorite football team and attending a rehearsal?  Well, eventually it's made pretty simple.  She goes to youth group.  And learns again about choices, and putting God first in all things.  I know I know, it's not like I would be missing a church service, or keeping the kids from a Bible class, it's rehearsal.  BUT. I made a commitment. To rehearse and to sing.  I may never be the next American Idol (great job, Caleb!), thankfully, I'm finally to old to audition... but I love to sing, and joined the praise team at church as a way to sing praise and lead others to worship through song on Sunday mornings.  And if I slacked off at rehearsal and sang without learning the songs or arrangements, well, God can take the not greatest voices and make them sound wonderful while singing His praises, but disharmony and wrong words just aren't acceptable.

So, I'll be at church rehearsing, with the two little girls in tow so that hubby and Bubba can be on the field with the team... knowing that I've made the right decision, to honor my commitment, and that I"m showing my children how to make tough choices by putting God first.

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