That's the Neurosurgeon's words, that we have cause for cautious optimism where Alexander is concerned! To me, that's a weight lifted off my shoulders! In short, because I can't spell half the words in the report, the radiologists report said that they suspect that Alexander has Dandy-Walker Syndrome. This means is that there is a cyst-like growth in the rear of his head that pushes on the drain between ventricles therefore causing hydrocephalus because the cerebrospinal fluid cannot drain through the compromised drain. Approximately 1 in 2,500 people have some form of Dandy-Walker Syndrome, but there are many who don't even know that they have a "problem". The doctor said that there are many who do not have to have medical interventions, but there are also many who must have medical interventions and therapies. and we won't know where on that scale Alexander will fall, until after he gets here. The recommendation from the neurosurgeon is to let him bake as long as we can and that his delivery will be based on recommendations from the OB based on Alexander's head size as we get closer to his due date.
In other News...
Do you ever wonder if God is simply testing your devotion to Him? Ever wonder if He really is trying to test what you can handle? Yup, I'm kinda feeling that way the last few days. I've been stressing about our bills, because well, trips to Orlando every week to various doctors appointments aren't exactly cheap on the gas budget, or the food budget for that matter. We've been handling it though. Trying to get a boost in my photography business, trying to cut our other bills down, doing everything we can think of to not make the kids feel like we're really sacrificing, but to trim down our bills. So far, we've changed our cell phone plans, cancelled Netflix, cut back on our eating out, working on reducing our water and power bills... does anyone else have any great ideas? Our power bill was reduced yesterday by act of God... our upright deep freezer finally kicked the proverbial bucket. I don't know exactly how old it was, but I do know that it moved to my parents house from my grandparents house in 1994ish, we inherited it from them a few years ago, and it has served us faithfully since then... so it was time for it to go, just really, it could've happened when it was nearly empty, not mostly full. Hubby's description was the most accurate, it smells like death. All our meat was in various states of defrost, the stink had started, and the cardboard that was in there already had the smell stuck in it... so that was a painful trip to the trash can.
Also, we got to take the little girls to Disney!! Hubby had a work conference that the girls and I tagged along to, and they offered "cheap" tickets at conference prices for after 4 (4-11 is plenty of time for a rather preggo woman and two young girls anyway) the same week that hubby's bonus came in for being awesome at work! I'm not sure who had more fun, me or the girls, it definitely wasn't hubby. He could live without ever knowing that Disney existed.
All in all, it's a been a week full of ups and downs, but really, it's mostly ups. We still have food to eat, we still have enough money for gas in the tank, the A/C is shot in the Suburban but its windows work, there really isn't much that can be thrown at us to keep us down!
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