Football Season kicks off TONIGHT!! No, it's not a game, but it's the kickoff of my High School, where Nathan is a coach, 20th Season! IT's going to be a big night. It's starting off with the introduction of the Youth level football players and coaches and cheerleaders... and the introduction of this years High school team and coaches. The band will be playing, the cheerleaders (and parents :-) ) will be cheering... as the high school team plays a scrimmage. What a great way to kick off season. To know the names and the faces of the people you'll be cheering on, to get to see the fruits of all the labor that these boys and their coaches have been putting in. I cannot wait for the sun to go down, to listen to the click and hum of the stadium lights as they turn on... and to see our boys take the field. It's magical.
And in other news, I'm almost more excited to start Bible Study this week. There's a group of us moms that meet during the youth football practice on Tuesday and Thursday nights to work out. and this week, we are going to stat meeting earlier to have a time of Bible study with each other before we start our sweating together! It's going to be AMAZING!!
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