Friday, April 26, 2013

Letting go... and Letting God...

When God opens a door, He opens it wide open, and sets everything in place and tells us not to worry about anything... This momma doesn't like not feeling prepared...  As we move forward in life, we have to learn to trust God to provide.  Not that we sit back and just wait for Him to throw things in our laps, but we have to trust that He will make a way.  I've really been concentrating on this recently.  With the hubby's new position coaching at the High School comes a supplement, maybe. But also with hubby's new coaching position, he has to quit his weekly auction.  Which means a decent chunk of our income no longer coming in... which means this momma has to reconfigure the budget, and see what we can do to make ends meet again, without us feeling completely deprived...  And then things happen like the bombings in Boston, and I remember, that God told us to be prepared for tomorrow, but to trust Him, but things happen and I remember that life can change in a instant.  He told us that there would be wars, and rumors of wars, but that the end was not yet.
What's that supposed to mean?! Not yet?!  This momma needs to plan, to put things on a calendar!!  I love how God forces us to trust Him.  To plan for the future, to set up retirement accounts and savings accounts, to plan like there will be a tomorrow, but we never know... only God knows when our end will come.  Who knows, it could be today... Are you ready?!

As I look for a way to make a certain amount of money each month, to make our lives easier in this transition in our lives from auctioneering into football coaching... I've also been studying to teach Vacation Bible School.  This years theme is "Facing Fears! Trusting God!" at the Colossal Coaster World.  I think He might be trying to teach me something... besides how to turn pool noodles and chairs into a roller coaster....
... maybe what I get to learn from Bible School this year is how to REALLY trust God... in everything... all the way down to paying the bills...
In other news... the big kids both got awards at school yesterday... for Caring... literally.  And no, I didn't laugh... but the award reads...
"Star Student Award for April  This certificate is awarded to... ... for investing whatever is necessary to help people in need."
I promptly asked them if they could please apply that principal to the house and their sisters as well...

I'm so proud that they know how to act in public, even if the house is a different matter.

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