It's all Kristina's fault... I started reading her blog and started missing writing... So here I am... busy with so much to do, but feeling the need to write... so I write. And the reason for writing is for someone to read it... so I might as well put it all out here on the internet for complete strangers to read! ((If you feel the urge to grab a red pen... go ahead, just don't let me know what my grade is!!))
So, a little about us...
Our faith... our faith has called us to be the people we are today. To have made changes in our lives, to trust in God wholeheartedly, even when it's not easy. Our faith in Christ is the one reason that I can joyfully say we have a child who passed away far too soon, that I love, but know that he rests safe in the arms of my Jesus.
Our family... we aren't perfect, but we're us... We are technically a blended family, but unless you've had a long conversation with us, or happened to ask me where the big kids are every other weekend, you would never know it. We are myself, the mommy, almost 30, college drop out, loving every second of being a homeschooling stay at home mommy, except when I don't love it. I cook from scratch, bake, clean my house, I'm secretary on the local youth spring football board, and so much more. My husband, Nathan, works as a Cafeteria Manager in a local High School, sits on both the spring and fall football boards and is a head coach for both spring and fall football. Our kids, Russell the 8 yr old football player, Kayley the 7 yr old Cheerleader, Layla the 2 yr old sweetheart terror, and Hannah, the 5 month old angel. You'll learn more about us all as you keep reading, but that's the short and sweet version.
Our football... We love football. All of us, down to the baby... she loves watching games and hearing the excitement! Well, she didn't have much of a choice, being born to the head coach, the Cheer team mom and the sister of a cheerleader and the water boy... We're heavily involved in the youth football program and love seeing the changes in the kids we're around. As they grow as people and as football players. Nathan and I have heard for years that being involved in team sports has kept so many people off the streets, out of trouble, and encouraged them to work towards bigger things in their lives, that we want to be a part of it. But, if it becomes something that our family does not enjoy, or that we cannot do together, we'll walk away from our involvement and go back to being crazy parents on the sidelines cheering loudly for every play, and watching our Cowboys on Sunday!!
And on that note... my kitchen timer is going off and Hannah started to fuss... so I must be off...
Until next time...
I'll take the blame gladly! I'm so excited to read your blog so I can keep up with you... blog reading at 2am is acceptable! Who needs sleep right?