The story of our life. Our faith, our family, our football teams, our cheer squads, and our journey with hydrocephalus.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
An Overview of Esther
At our Mom's Matter Too Bible Study... we're starting to study Esther. I'm posting those studies here, so that you can read along, so that we all have a reference point... and maybe someone that needs something that God had us go over will receive that message from Him through these words. I do not take any credit for the words I am typing here... This "study" while we are doing it without a workbook, without videos, etc... is mostly based on and borrowed from Beth Moore's study on the book of Esther, Esther: It's Tough Being A Woman. I wish I was as eloquent and well versed in the scriptures as she is, and am blessed to have been able to participate in the video course and learn something from her that I can now share with some of my favorite moms. Other information was gathered from Webster Mirriam Dictionary, Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Word Biblical Commentary, and my NKJV Woman's Study Bible.
Esther an Introduction
- Written in the late 5th century B.C.
- Ahasuerus = Xerxes reigned 486-465 B.C.
- Esther & Mordecai lived in Susa (Hebrew - Sushan) in current day Iran near the Iraqui border
- Diaspora story - Diaspora is a scatter population with a common origin in a smaller geographic area.
- The traditional purpose for the book of Esther is to explain the Jewish holiday of Purim - a celebration of deliverance. The reading of Esther (the Megillah) is the central rite of the observance of Purim and attendance is mandatory, even for women.
- Fro Christians, the book of Esther is an important reminder that God is never absent. Even those living in a world hostile to the Christian faith may not always be aware of presence, but He is always there.
**The book of Esther is unique - there is a NO reference to God.**
Why Study Esther?
- The book is an integral part of God's Word to us.
- Psalm 138:2b I will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name For Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your word above all Your name. - God's name may not be in it, but it is ALL OVER it.
- It offers hope.
- It reminds us of the providence of God.
- Merriam Webster - providence - divine guidance or care; God conceived as the power sustaining and guiding human DESTINY
- Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary - "God attends not only to apparently momentous events and people but also to those that seem both mundane and trivial --- Indeed, so all encompassing is God's attention to events within creation that nothing --- happens by chance."
- Ephesians 1:11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
- Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
- The Title bears a woman's name. - It's tough being a woman, in another woman's shadow.
- The emphasis on human responsibility. According to Word Bible Commentary, the God inspired author of Esther lays on the stress on human contribution to the divine-human synergism (combined or shared energy).
Next week... We'll focus on Esther Chapter 2 :-)
Esther an Introduction
- Written in the late 5th century B.C.
- Ahasuerus = Xerxes reigned 486-465 B.C.
- Esther & Mordecai lived in Susa (Hebrew - Sushan) in current day Iran near the Iraqui border
- Diaspora story - Diaspora is a scatter population with a common origin in a smaller geographic area.
- The traditional purpose for the book of Esther is to explain the Jewish holiday of Purim - a celebration of deliverance. The reading of Esther (the Megillah) is the central rite of the observance of Purim and attendance is mandatory, even for women.
- Fro Christians, the book of Esther is an important reminder that God is never absent. Even those living in a world hostile to the Christian faith may not always be aware of presence, but He is always there.
**The book of Esther is unique - there is a NO reference to God.**
Why Study Esther?
- The book is an integral part of God's Word to us.
- Psalm 138:2b I will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name For Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your word above all Your name. - God's name may not be in it, but it is ALL OVER it.
- It offers hope.
- It reminds us of the providence of God.
- Merriam Webster - providence - divine guidance or care; God conceived as the power sustaining and guiding human DESTINY
- Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary - "God attends not only to apparently momentous events and people but also to those that seem both mundane and trivial --- Indeed, so all encompassing is God's attention to events within creation that nothing --- happens by chance."
- Ephesians 1:11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
- Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
- The Title bears a woman's name. - It's tough being a woman, in another woman's shadow.
- The emphasis on human responsibility. According to Word Bible Commentary, the God inspired author of Esther lays on the stress on human contribution to the divine-human synergism (combined or shared energy).
Next week... We'll focus on Esther Chapter 2 :-)
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
1:1-5 Elimelech’s Family Goes to Moab
Elimelech and his wife Naomi and their two boys headed for Moab to find food during a famine in Judah. While they were there, Elimelech died, his two sons married Moabite women and then the sons passed away; this left Naomi in a foreign land responsible for herself and her widowed daughters-in-law.
Naomi heard that the famine was over in her hometown of Bethlehem and had to head home where she could be cared for. Remember that in this time, women couldn't just go out and get a job and take care of themselves. She told her daughters-in-law to return to their families, that their commitment to her and her family was over following the death of their husbands. At first, both women said that they were going to stay with her. After some urging, Orpah returned to her family but Ruth refused to return to her family and returned with Naomi to Bethlehem. Her words, found in Ruth 1:16-17, were,
"Entreat me not to leave you,
Or to turn back from following after you;
for where you go, I will go;
and wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
and your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die,
and there will I be buried.
The Lord do so to me, and more also,
if anything but death parts you and me."
What a promise of loyalty!! A note from my Bible... (Women's Study Bible by Thomas Nelson Publishers 2006)
on the part of one awakens loyalty in the heart of the other.
on the part of one demands unselfishness from the other.
in one gives opportunity for creativity in the other.
from one is rewarded by responsive communication in the other.
from one bears fruit as accepted and honored by the other.
Ruth 3:1-18 Ruth’s Redemption AssuredRuth 4:1-12 Boaz Redeems Ruth
Boaz was a rich person in Bethlehem. He was of the family of Elimelech. Naomi told Ruth to go to Boaz' fields to gather the left over wheat that was dropped by the pickers to provide for their little widow family. When Boaz saw her gathering and knew who she was, he instructed his people to make sure that they left enough behind to provide for her and Naomi. In those times, a man's family was to take care of the widows of their men and if their was a suitable male among them, to marry the widow and continue to bear children to increase their family line. Boaz eventually married Ruth and they gave birth to sons, importantly, they gave birth to Obed.
4:13-22 Descendants of Boaz and Ruth
Boaz and Ruth had a baby, Obed. Obed was father to Jesse, Jesse was father to David, who became King David. King David is in the human lineage of Christ. I for one am quite glad that Ruth followed Naomi back to Bethlehem for the ultimate purpose of giving birth to the humanly lineage of Christ.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Where Does the Time Go?!
Life is BUSY!! and in the mix of all the things that are "have to do"s and the "need to do"s and the "want to do"s.... some things get pushed by the wayside... Like blogging :-(.
I really do enjoy writing, and this is one way for me to get my thoughts/feelings/ideas on "paper" and done floating around my mind. So... here's a short update on our BUSY lives.
We've found a church... we think. We've been attending and worshipping and enjoying every Sunday with a local congregation. September 15th is National Back to Church Sunday... have you been to church recently? Get up and go! National Back to Church Sunday is a great day to begin attending again.
I cannot believe that Hannah the Hippo turns a year old in 11 days!! This time last year I was looking kinda like this...
... that's my big ol' belly... and Layla curled up between me and the couch next to her daddy... and Pixie the dog keeping me company. always. That stinking dog wouldn't leave me alone!!

I really do enjoy writing, and this is one way for me to get my thoughts/feelings/ideas on "paper" and done floating around my mind. So... here's a short update on our BUSY lives.
We've found a church... we think. We've been attending and worshipping and enjoying every Sunday with a local congregation. September 15th is National Back to Church Sunday... have you been to church recently? Get up and go! National Back to Church Sunday is a great day to begin attending again.
I cannot believe that Hannah the Hippo turns a year old in 11 days!! This time last year I was looking kinda like this...

Bubba is playing well. He loves it. His second game is this weekend... against what some would consider the local standard of youth football teams. We'll see how it goes. And well, we do a lot of laundry for the High School team...

Until next time... I have laundry to fold!!
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