Let's see... Since my last blog post....
We've said goodbye to a family friend... So sad that he left behind such a young family, but a reminder to live each day as though we won't have another...
We've attended three different football games!! Wednesday the 22nd we watched the competition that knocked us out of playoff contention last year... Thursday hubby went with a few of the coaches to watch our county rivals... and Friday the 24th, we had our Spring Exhibition Game! We lost, but the team looked good... they never quit. Which says more about them than many teams in the past that have worn the Blue, Black and Silver. Somewhere in all that I made the little girls and myself some spirit clothes...
Their outfits are much cuter than mine... |
It,s the back of my shirt... couldn't get a very good picture with it on... |
That Weekend, we took the little girls to see Shamu!! He's their favorite!

and Hannah got to crawl around on the in ground aquarium at the Journey to Atlantis for the first time!
We celebrated the lives of those who died in the fight to keep our country free at a Memorial Day service at our local Memorial Island. and then we celebrated my parent's 31st Anniversary with breakfast/brunch at IHOP.
We survived another week of the big kids at school, and hubby went back to work for Summer School... apparently the kids in summer school have to eat too :-). Gotta love living life between two different counties school schedules...
And then. This weekend. We spoiled the kids! We took them to breakfast at the little restaurant attached to our local airport... and watched some planes take off...
Look!!! There it is!!! |
Mommy, I want to go on the plane!!! |
And then it was off to Blockbuster for their going out of business sale... and WalMart for pool toys for the summer.... and then POOL TIME!!! (Sorry no pictures... I Was in the pool with the Hippo baby :-)) and a family movie, and pizza!!
Yesterday was Sunday, Church time with our family... and then, we headed to the beach... for the Hippos first time in the sand! I think she loved it!!
Daddy and the big kids in the water... |
This is interesting! |
I prefer the sand. |
Waves are nice! |
Sand is better :-) |
So you see... It's been a little busy around our house... I'm kinda hoping it slows down... Just a little bit :-)