So I've been quiet after having grand plans of blogging ALOT... not because I haven't had anything to say... but I've had WAY more to say than I wanted to say typing on my phone...
Let's see where to start... Homeschooling this week has been a CHORE! My kids are working on the end of 2nd and end of 3rd grades and well, the end of year is hitting them hard! Apparently just because the end of the 2nd grade Math workbook arrived with its Fianl Test... that means school is over for summer time!! Sorry bout your luck kids, but school is out for summer when MOMMY says it's out for summer!!! So this week has been full of disobedience, tears, threats of public schools, punishments... and a mommy at the end of her proverbial rope...
Thanks to the Hip Homeschool Mom for this PSA...
We've started attending a new church. New to us at least, it's a church that I had family attending when I was little, and have other members of the family attending now... So we're still getting the family time of church that I find so important as well as the Biblically based message and learning. Tomorrow I go pick up my book to start the Beth Moore authored study of Dueteronomy (seriously... I cannot spell that word... but you understand )... I can't wait!!! Even more exciting is that I emailed for information as they stated that childcare would be available... and while I was the only one who requested child care, they were more than happy to get someone to stay with all 4 of my kids so that I could attend Bible Study. That stands out to me as a very important aspect of a church... making accommodations, even as simple as childcare, so that someone can attend a study without worry that her children are interrupting or disturbing other people as they try to learn together.
Football itself is fantastic!! I love football!! What I don't love... are the parents who stand on the sidelines, not fulfilling their volunteer hours like they promised to do when they signed their child up to play, and then whining and complaining about the Board of Directors (who they haven't approached with their problem/concern) and griping that the Concession stand has a long line, the merchandise tent isn't set up.... Here's a thought, the Board of Directors are a volunteer board. We all have kids (most of us more than one) on the field. If you signed a contract stating that you would volunteer, do it!! Ask how you can help to make things better rather than whining about things not getting done! Ok, vent over, but really... With 110 kids on a field and every family supposed to volunteer 4 hours per child... that makes 440 hours minimum of volunteer time... There's 66 available hours to volunteer during Saturday game days... that makes 6.67 people volunteer each hour... with no only overlapping!!! Really doesn't seem like we should be SHORT on volunteers.... Just saying... Now I'm really off my soapbox.
Nathan's team... Bubba's down there in front... #9...
Kiki cheering... Yeah, she's down there somewhere... I was upstairs running the time clock and getting the best picture I could from the field house!!!
Ah, we had a really amazing speaker come and speak to the boys... mostly about using football as a stepping stone to where you want to be in life, cause not everyone who dreams of playing in the NFL will get there... but you CAN use football to get the college scholarships to make yourself a better person.... Thank you Deondre Barnett, can't wait to see you play for the UCF Knights, and make it big in the NFL. I'm sure that as hard as you work, if you keep your head in the right place, you will go far!!!

In all that, I know that I've been called to keep my head up and keep going. God has placed some amazing and encouraging people in my life just as I needed them. All the way down to someone I'm working on contracting for football stuff who I apologized to for I felt was being rude, and she totally warmed my heart when she emailed me back with a simple message not to worry, that she's also seen the end of her proverbial rope, and that she was sending extra prayers my way. What a great organization!